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Sep, 2023

2024 Board Elections

North Olmsted Soccer Organization (NOSO) is a non-profit, community-based, parent and volunteer-run organization providing North Olmsted youth an opportunity to play organized soccer in a safe and fun environment. NOSO is governed by it's Board of Directors, selected annually at the December board meeting (December 19th, 2023). Information about the various positions on the board and their respective responsibilities is listed below. If you are interested in running for a position on the NOSO Board, please reach out to TJ May, current NOSO Vice President, at [email protected]. The slate for 2024 will be finalized at the October board meeting on October 17th, 2023.

President - Shall be the Chief Executive officer; Will call and chair meetings of the NOSO Board per Roberts Rules of Order (voting only in case of a tie); Form special committees and appointments; Appoint all Board members to appropriate standing committees. Provide policy directions for NOSO; Serve as ex-officio member of all NOSO committees; Ensure NOSO representation at meetings of organizations with which NOSO is affiliated; Review requests from families needing financial assistance and coordinate assistance and volunteerism with the vice president and treasurer.

Vice President - Will assist the President and preside at meetings in the absence of the President; The Vice President shall represent NOSO at meetings of the North Olmsted Recreation Department; Is responsible for a biennial review of the Constitution, Travel Bylaws, In-house Bylaws, and will secure the advice and consent of the NOSO Board for additions, deletions, and corrections thereto.  Will implement all provisions of this Constitution. Will chair the standing Travel Committee and be responsible for implementing all provisions of the Travel Bylaws and Code of Ethics within the Travel program Will insure appropriate representation to leagues in which NOSO travel teams play. Shall work with the NOSO Board President and other duly nominated individuals in the development of NOSO’s short and long term operating direction.  

Secretary - Record and preserve NOSO non-financial records, attendance, motions, and determinations at NOSO Board meetings as required by the Constitution; Provide the location and time of NOSO Board meetings, the Annual General Meeting and other special meetings for inclusion on the website and other social media platforms; For NOSO business conducted outside of board meetings by email or other manner, decisions should be recorded in the next month’s board meeting minutes as an addendum.  Maintains a list of logins and passwords for all registration programs, websites, and accounts essential to the functioning of the organization.   

Treasurer - Is responsible for safeguarding and having custody of all NOSO-affiliated funds, check books,  and credit/debit cards (e.g. In-House, Travel & NOSO Cup); Maintains records of all NOSO receipts and disbursements authorized by the NOSO Board; Submits written financial reports monthly on the financial condition to the NOSO Board; these financial reports are to include profit and loss statements; Report to government agencies as required and submit required reports to the Internal Revenue Service, state and local government agencies; Submit an annual operating budget to the NOSO Board in January for approval in February for the following calendar year; Submit all financial records to an independent certified public accountant at the end of each calendar year, which in turn will submit a report to the NOSO Board; The position will be bonded. 

Registrar - Works with the director of web and media to set up the online registration for all programs; Tracks necessary registration documents: waivers, birth certificates, photos, medical information necessary to register with leagues and governing authorities; Provides timely updates to the director of travel regarding needed information; Responsible for sending player cards and rosters to coaches; Works with the treasurer and team managers to reconcile player fees and payments.  

Director of Travel – NOSO’s liaison for the travel league(s); coordinates division bracketing, schedules,  and schedule requests;  Works with the travel committee to recommend and monitor travel coaches and managers; Coordinates with the registrar and team managers to ensure all player documentation is received;  Help with coordination of uniform purchases and distribution; Reports to the NOSO Board updates and needs for the travel program. 

Director of Coaching and Player Development – Oversees curriculum, training methods, style of play, development, and implementation for players and coaches in all programs.  Serves on both the Travel Committee and Inhouse Committee.  Responsible for the scheduling, organization, rankings, and team selection for travel tryouts.  Works with the travel director on the bracketing of teams. Coordinates with coaches and managers to maintain and complete league coaching and carding requirements.

Director of In-House - Serve as the Chairman of the In-House Committee; Responsible for all operating aspects of the In-House (recreational and adaptive) programs; Represent the interests and report activities of the In-House Committee to the NOSO Board and coordinates assistance from the board for In-House; Implement all provisions of this Constitution, In-House Bylaws, and Code of Ethics within the In-House program.

Director of Tournament - Plan, organize, staff and control the elements required to host the annual NOSO Cup Tournament; Report on progress to the NOSO Board at monthly meetings; Chair a committee that will operate the annual NOSO Cup. 

Director of Referees & Schedules - Screens, trains, assigns, and monitors referees for travel and inhouse; Represents NOSO in all matters related to referees and leagues; Provides updates to the NOSO Board regarding referee rules and guidelines.

Director of Fields - Will be responsible for the preparation and maintenance of fields for authorized field use and rentals.  Creates the weekly schedule for practices and games ensuring that the correct size fields are available.  Coordinates with the rec department schedules and facility maintenance needs.  Recommends to the board the purchase of field supplies, goals, nets, and other field related needs. 

Director of Web and Media -  Manage and update the NOSO website and social media content; Create registrations for all programs and provide assistance with digital registrations and record keeping; Post regular newsletters on the website. 

Director of Purchasing – Provide assistance and collaboration with other board members for all purchases needed for the organization.  Including but not limited to uniforms, awards, and supplies.  The purchasing director will also follow up and reconcile participant payments in the accounting system.

Contact Us

North Olmsted Soccer Organization

PO Box 790 
North Olmsted, Ohio 44070

Email: [email protected]

North Olmsted Soccer Organization

PO Box 790 
North Olmsted, Ohio 44070

Email: [email protected]
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